delhi men have highest risk of these cancer in india know reason

delhi men have highest risk of these cancer in india know reason

Cancer in Men : The risk of cancer is increasing rapidly all over the world. Every year lakhs of people are dying due to this disease. Lung, mouth and prostate cancer are the most reported risks in men. A recent report on cancer has raised concerns.

A study has found that head and neck cancers are increasing rapidly in India. This study by Delhi-based NGO Cancer Mukt Bharat Foundation states that at least 26% of cancer patients in the country suffer from head and neck cancer. In such a situation, let us know which are the 5 most common cancers in men in the country…

1. Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. It occurs in a gland called prostate, which is responsible for testosterone hormone and sperm production. In this, the cells of the prostate start growing, which turns into a tumor over time. It causes problems like difficulty in passing urine, bleeding in urine and pain in the bones.

2. Testicular Cancer
When there is abnormal growth in testicular cells in men, it is called testicular cancer. It is one of the most common cancers in men. By identifying its symptoms in the beginning, one can get the right treatment. The symptoms associated with it include heaviness, twisting, pain in the testicle.

3. Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is a common cancer in men. In this, a change in the size of a mole or wart is seen on the skin. In such a case, the doctor recommends a biopsy. This cancer occurs when melanocytes – pigment producing cells that give color to the skin, turn into cancer.

4. Oral Cancer
Men who smoke or eat tobacco are at the highest risk of getting oral cancer. White, red, brown or yellow spots may appear on the lips. Wounds inside the mouth, resembling ulcers are the symptoms of this cancer. It can be cured by getting tests and treatment done in the beginning.

5. Lung Cancer
There can be many reasons for coughing, but if the cough is persistent then it can be a sign of lung cancer. If you have persistent cough for 4 weeks and have trouble breathing then you should immediately get yourself checked by a doctor, as these can be symptoms of lung cancer.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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